Tuesday, 22 August 2023

EMDR Therapy in Video and Remote Formats Helping PTSD Clients

The discovery of EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has been a big milestone in helping trauma survivors. As more research comes about EMDR and the more positive results we are seeing from EMDR therapy, the more clients are signing up to get the help they deserve.

Prior to the COVID pandemic, the only way to do EMDR therapy was in the office of a therapist who is trained in EMDR. It was also the preferred method of EMDR by most clinicians because research had not been done on EMDR video therapy yet. During the pandemic (and since the pandemic), there have been a lot of research studies which show that EMDR video therapy helps heal PTSD just as much as in person therapy does.

Due to the over whelming research that EMDR therapy works to reduce PTSD and anxiety symptoms and because EMDR video therapy has shown to be just as effective as EMDR in person therapy, EMDRremote.com developed an online EMDR video therapy so that everyone can have access to EMDR therapy. 

For people who were traumatized and don’t want to leave the house, EMDR video therapy is available. For people who live in rural areas and don’t have a lot of therapists nearby, EMDR video therapy is. For therapists who want more options available to their clients during EMDR therapy (such as changing the direction of the lightbar), EMDR video therapy is also available.

Video EMDR therapy is done by the therapist and the client both signing on to a video platform (sort of like how you log onto Zoom) and then all of the EMDR tools are there for the therapist to help the client. 

EMDRremote.com even came up with a training program so that EMDR trainers could train other clinicians / therapists in how to help their clients with EMDR.  If you are interested in EMDR Remote’s training program, please click here to learn more.

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