Sunday, 10 March 2024

EMDR Remote Upbeat on Growth Outlook; Market Opportunity Jumps with Better Training

Online EMDR therapy has established itself firmly in the healthcare market as a point of relief for trauma victims to rebuild their lives, and the solutions have augmented the acceptance rate thanks to familiarization of protocols and tools via the EMDR training platform.

EMDR Remote is one of the established online EMDR solutions providers with its light bar design gaining overwhelming acceptance in the market. EMDR Remote has updated its offerings in EMDR training to help clients to feel confident about therapy and eliminate the need for physical visits to clinics and therapists' offices.


According to the CEO of EMDR Remote, the growing trust in online EMDR therapy as a safe and appropriate platform is a win-win for therapists and clients. As people have become more tech-savvy, the need for a physical light bar has become unnecessary in EMDR therapy.


The company’s solutions are well customized for enabling EMDR trainings online so that there is a platform for therapists to connect with trainers to learn online EMDR therapy.  Care has been taken to ensure that patients taking the online EMDR sessions do not have to exert more energy than is necessary, and the therapist can fine-tune the settings even from remote locations, where the client is at home and the therapist is at the office.


According to the CEO of EMDR Remote, his company has become a one-stop solution for EMDR  because EMDR Remote has a complete EMDR toolbar for clinicians to help their clients, a referral system for clients looking for online EMDR therapists, and also an entire training platform for trainers to help qualified therapists get trained in EMDR.


EMDR Remote pioneers an online BLS tool that allows therapists to control light and sound bars to monitor clients effectively so that clients can heal their trauma in the safest and most comfortable setting possible.


The tool has become a favorite for tens of thousands of therapists worldwide, as EMDR Remote is easily accessible to anyone with its proprietary Light-Bar technology using basic internet access.


There is excellent customer service, according to the CEO, with all features being constantly updated to ensure cutting-edge EMDR technology stays in place.


Market share to increase


The outlook is bright as evidence-based EMDR has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the preferred treatments for victims of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with more medical conditions coming under its purview.


Many ancillary options for EMDR therapy, including video conference psychotherapy (VCP), are gaining market appeal. The EMDR Remote CEO is upbeat that web-based EMDR Remote will continue to attain high growth in the near and medium term. Online EMDR adheres to all industry standards, is HIPAA-compliant in video chats, and has fully synchronized bilateral visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli for real-time operations and control.

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